1. I’ve enjoyed watching you share you’re diy videos for a while now. And for me the visual is super important. Many of your posts on f/b ;I would immediately scroll down to your video lol.
    Now we met recently in Stony Plain while arranging flowers- I was pretty excited.
    About me: my husband and I fulltime rv for 6 years now, travelling south for the winters- all over western and southern United States and into Mexico.
    I’m rambling but all to tell you we are switching it up (pivoting 😜) this fall by parking our rv and flying off to Australia and New Zealand then onto Mexico this year. And I want to start a YouTube channel. My husband is a wonderful astrophotographer and I hope to include this in my content.I’ve created TRAVELLING OVER &UNDER. No content yet.
    I’ve been doing a bit of research and starting from scratch. I’ve been watching creators like Vanessa Lau and hoping to glean tidbits to get me started. I’m hoping to be quite organic- not much editing (we will be travelling in a camper van with little solar). Irregular addition of content and not necessarily to make money ( but it would be welcomed lol)
    Fulltime rv’ ing is a growing movement and maybe I should have started sooner but I’m a bit technically challenged.
    I envy and applaud your pluck and consistency in creating SO MUCH CONTENT.
    Sincerely, Marjolaine Loitz

    1. That sounds like an incredible adventure, Marjolaine! I’m so excited for you. I think sharing your journey would be very inspiring to a lot of people! Hopefully you’ll find the content I share here helpful. I’m planning to share some technical aspects of the job, too!

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